Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I jumped on the Facebook bandwagon. Both enchanted with online social networking mechanisms, inasmuch as they allow us to reconnect with old friends, make new ones and, well, network, and terrified of it, because of the inevitable surrender of personal information to the aether, I did it reluctantly, and somewhat late in the game.

As something of an afterthought, I posted a link to my blog on my Facebook profile. That was a few days ago. After the initial slew of acknowledgements by friends and acquaintances, activity concerning my profile has started to slow down. Which is fine with me. Like this website, it's an experiment.

Then yesterday, I got a friend request from a fellow I did not know, with whom I had nothing in common, save that we had graduated from the same college, albeit six years apart. Although he's the same age as one of my younger brothers, I was pretty certain he wasn't one of his friends. Moreover, I didn't recognize his name as one of the alumni volunteers whom I oversee in connection with their interviewing of high school applicants to my alma mater.

It turned out he hadn't been looking for me; he was seeking out another woman with my first name. Go figure. But, in investigating my profile to confirm that I was not the woman he was looking for, he noticed the link to my blog, and opted to read it. He wrote:

p.s. just saw you (and your husband?) have a blog. very interesting. i'm going to have to read it later, although i could take a quick glance at the very first couple posts about grown up sadnesses and realities. i can't agree enough with some of it! *** anyway, i'll have to read and comment some more -- you and your counterpart seem like such very fascinating people. rock on! :)

Serendipitous, no?

While I'm not sure how I feel about being told that my website is focused on "grown up sadnesses and realities," that sort of feedback is why I've started this blog. Give me a reaction -- any reaction -- so long as you listen to what I have to say and take me seriously. (Or, at least, take me seriously when I'm trying to be serious, you know?) I guess the dialogue has begun. I couldn't be more excited.

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